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M.U.S.E. Benefit Concert For Japan Relief

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M.U.S.E. Benefit Concert For Japan Relief
More StageIt Live Concerts coverage and information
On Sunday August 7, 2011, 2pm PT, an all-star line-up will perform a benefit concert for Musicians United for Safe Energy (M.U.S.E.) at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA. 

Line-up: Crosby, Stills & Nash, Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, John Hall, The Doobie Brothers, Jason Mraz, Tom Morello, Kitaro, Sweet Honey in The Rock, Jonathan Wilson, Kitaro and others.

For a minimum $5 donation, with all proceeds benefiting M.U.S.E., viewers will have access to exclusive pre-show content including interviews and greetings from the performers, as well as the main feed of the entire concert.

Watch the M.U.S.E. Benefit Concert For Japan Relief live online.
Please note: live stream might not be available in all countries. Check with the providers listed below.


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