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Episode 10379 - Monday, March 31, 2014

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The Young and the Restless

Chelsea gets a call from Victor and Billy is blindsided when he hears Chelsea say that Adam has been found. Lily and Lauren meet to discuss the upcoming fashion show at the Athletic Club. Lily confides in Lauren that she isn’t so sure Cane is happy working at the club thanks to Victor’s new challenge for him. Meanwhile, Victor asks if Cane figured out who set him up. Lauren mistakenly congratulates Abby and Tyler on their engagement after she read a post about them on GC Buzz. Abby is taken aback when Tyler says that it’s not a matter of "if” they get engaged, but "when.” Later, Tyler proposes to Abby! Victoria and Stitch leave The Underground together. Later, Victoria makes a fateful decision that will change everything!

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