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Next, tell us about the site

Site Name:
Provide a detailed explanation of what sort of video a user can find. Do not use HTML tags or ALL CAPS.
Site Tags:
Site tags are keywords that describe the site. For example, the site Music Nation may have the tags Techno, R&B, a site slogan, etc. Site tags should be separated by commas.
Site URL:

The home page of the site, i.e.

Live Stream:

Live URL:

The URL to the live video stream or page on the site with the stream.
On-Demand Video Clips:
On-Demand Videos URL:

The URL to the page on the site with videos.
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By clicking submit below, you have read, understand and agree to the following statements:
  • That a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time
  • To waive any claim related to the inclusion, placement, exclusion, or removal of this or any other site
  • That Find Internet TV have complete editorial discretion to modify the title, description, tags, or any other information you submit
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