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Best of Cops 4

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(Pomona, CA - 9:15 PM Shooting Call) Sgt. Joe Waltman races to the scene of a black woman with one kidney gets shot in a drive by and cops go to the apartment and lead the six kids out that are inside. Suspects confronted the people, left and returned and shot the three adults. Ronald is still in bed. The mother is hit in the leg. They all ran inside and the blood is everywhere in pools. New York City, NY (9:02 PM Rescue Call) A call for a man in the water. There is a chopper to light him up. Cops go in the river and pull him out. He swam out 175 feet and said he was looking for oil and didn't want to come out. (10:33 PM Assistance Call) Jimmy is impaled by a wrench that fell four stories from a crane and into his back. They cut it off and move him out in case the crane falls since it is now loose. Jimmy tells cops not to tow his car away. Fort Worth, TX (9:45 PM Domestic Disturbance) Officer C.C. Ryder responds to a man wearing only shorts on a pay phone. He runs away from the camera and has broken glass on him. His wife is across the street at home. She goes to the wife who is crying with two small kids. There is broken plates and glass all over. He was drunk and out all day and hit her. She doesn't work because she just had a third kid and says she isn't scared of him and is fixin to leave anyway. #S901. 6/95

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