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Antena Nova

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Antena Nova

Watch Antena 3's Nova TV channel on the Internet. Antena Nova provides TV shows and films throughout the day.

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Antena Nova Comments, Reviews, and Tweets

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  • 0 props
    rosemsn, while we understand your complaint, there's nothing we at Find Internet TV can do. Find Internet TV is a directory of sites that offer Internet TV and Online Video and is not related to any of the sites. Please contact Antena Nova directly. Hope that helps.
  • 0 props
    Apreciate the programmes in English but do wish Antena Nova would show the whole programme, also what is the point of a half hour of adverts to go back into the programme for five minutes, the rest of the programme is never followed on the following day which would help.
    Can you please explain why oh why do the adverts have to run for half an hour
  • 0 props
    I was so happy to find some english language programs here in Spain, like ' Extreme Makeover Home Edition' (Este casa era una ruina)on Antena Nova..... I just wish Antena Nova would air their programs from begining to end, instead of cutting out the begining and the end, and replacing them with adverts... what's the point in watching when you don't get to watch the begining or the end!
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