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Seth Mac Farlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy

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Seth Mac Farlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy

Watch uncut, uncensored, unrated, unbelievable, never before seen viedos and episodes, produced by the creators of Family Guy: A Trip to the Psychiatrist, Things You Never Hear, Beavers: Assholes of the Forest, Fred and Barney Try to Get Into a Club, Backstage with Bob Dylan, The Bartender Says..., Mad Cow Disease, Ted Nugent is Visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Mountain Climber, Monkeys Talk About Religion, Super Mario Rescues The Princess, A Dog on The $25,000 Pyramid, Why Bob Marley Should Not Have Acted as His Own Attorney, Adopted, A Scotsman Who Can't Watch a Movie Without Shouting at the Screen, Two Ducks Watching Meet the Parents, A Scotsman Who ^Still Can't Watch a Movie Without Shouting at the Screen, Cat Staff Meeting, Barry Gibb Rides a Roller Coaster, Marital Troubles, Jeff Goldblum Wafers, Jesus and Vishnu on Christmas Eve, The Frog Prince.

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