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Ironman France

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Ironman France

Ironman France is one of 22 long-distance triathlon races held around the world and organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) that qualify athletes for the Ford Ironman World Championship held every October in Kona, Hawaii.
Every race consists of a 2.4 miles (3.86 km) swim, a 112 miles (180.25 km) bike and a marathon (26 miles 385 yards, 42.195 km) run.
The Ironman France is held every June in Nice, France.

Other Ironman events include Ironman UK, Subaru Ironman Canada, Ford Ironman Louisville, Ford Ironman Wisconsin, Ford Ironman World Championship, Ford Ironman Florida, Ford Ironman Arizona, Ironman Cozumel, Ironman Western Australia Triathlon, Lotto Ironman Langkawi Malaysia Triathlon, Bonita Ironman New Zealand, Ironman China, Country Energy Ironman Australia Triathlon, Spec-Savers Ironman South Africa, Ford Ironman St. George, Ironman Lanzarote Canarias Triathlon, Ironman Brasil Triathlon Florianopolis, Ironman Japan Triathlon, Ford Ironman Coeur d'Alene, Ironman Austria, Frankfurter Sparkasse Ironman European Championship, Ford Ironman Lake Placid, Ironman Switzerland.


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