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The Confession

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48 Hours Mystery

Stephanie Crowe had a bright future. By all accounts, she was good student, had a lot of friends, and got along well with her parents and two siblings. at the age of twelve, she was already winning awards for her volunteer work. But in January of 1998, all that came to an end when she was brutally murdered, stabbed nine times while she slept in her bedroom. Stephanie's parents were beside themselves with grief. But it got worse. Days later, their 15-year-old son Michael and two of his friends were arrested for the crime. Police explained Michael and one of his friends had confessed and implicated the third. But then Michael and his friend recanted, saying they had been pressured into confessing by an overzealous police department. Did the three boys kill Stephanie Crowe? Or did the police overstep their bounds while rushing to make an arrest? 48 Hours takes an in-depth look at this tale of murder, family solidarity, and the limits of police interrogation techniques.

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