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Sleep Tight

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48 Hours Mystery

48 Hours reports on the strange world of sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 7 of 10 adults say they have frequent sleep problems, while half have symptoms of insomnia at least a few nights a week. Researchers say that sleep is being directly linked to quality of life. 48 Hours looks at drowsy drivers - is it crime to drive tired? After her daughter was killed by a sleepy driver, Carole McDonnell is on a crusade to make it a crime to fall asleep while driving. Not sure why you're gaining weight? You may be "sleep eating," raiding the refrigerator while you are asleep. One man let 48 Hours put cameras in his house. The cameras caught him eating a variety of foods, including brownies and soda. Later, he has no memory of his munching. Does snoring contribute to ADD? New research suggests that it could. Snoring is also linked to sleep apnea - a disorder that prevents the flow of oxygen from reaching the lungs. Sleep apnea causes sufferers to wake up repeatedly, destroying restful sleep. New research suggests that there may be a link between this problem and attention deficit disorder. For some people, sleep can be too much of a good thing. Those who suffer from Kleine-Levin Syndrome sometimes sleep for days or weeks at a time. No one knows the cause of this strange disease. Spencer Searin, a 15-year-old from Florida, talks about trying to overcome the problem. Patti Teel claims she has created a new way to get any child to sleep. She combines lullabies with relaxation techniques, and says her method is almost foolproof. 48 Hours puts the game to the test.

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