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Ep. #9031

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All My Children

Lily panics when Jonathan reaches out and touches her. Aidan arrives, followed soon after by Ryan and Bianca, as Lily searches for the drugs she believed Jonathan gave Greenlee. Maggie jumps to Jonathan's defense. Bianca tries to convince Maggie that her relationship with Jonathan isn't healthy. Bianca gives Maggie an impulsive kiss on the lips. Jonathan reluctantly admits to Ryan that he hit Maggie. Lily is happy to realize that it doesn't hurt when Aidan touches her. Aidan fears Lily's crush on him is going to end up hurting her and turns to Anita for help. Kendall can't help but be privately crushed when Greenlee tells her about wanting to start a family with Ryan. Erica warns Greenlee not to hurt Kendall. Erica advises Kendall not to jump into a rebound relationship with Ethan. Kendall admits to Ethan that she isn't completely over Ryan. Ethan refuses to allow Livia to call Ryan or Zach as witnesses for the defense at his upcoming trial. Livia is shocked to learn Ethan pulled a gun

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