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Pizza Parlor Protest

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Charles in Charge

Sid's Pizza Parlor, that wondrous emporium that provides Charles a nourishing home away from home, in "Charles in Charge," is under attack. It seems the college owns the land the hangout stands on, and they are reclaiming it for a parking lot. This means Charles' favorite meeting place for dates and other occasions is about to be banished, forever. Charles turns to his adoptive family, the Powells, for assistance. Jamie is studying amateur psychiatry and Sarah is studying amateur journalism for a school project, so they feel there is deeper meaning, and a lot of unrevealed facts to this whole dilemma. Buddy thinks it's a plot, but he's not sure whose. Walter Powell thinks they all ought to improve their diet by eating on board ship. . . any ship. So in true motherly fashion, Ellen Powell gets out the placards and begins writing protest legends on them.

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