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Coast to Coast 16

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(Fort Worth, TX - 4:16 PM Stolen Vehicle Call) North Division - Officer W.E. Spakes has been there 3 years in NPD2 Baker District. It's primarily a Hispanic community, a barrio. The biggest problem is communication since he doesn't speak Spanish well. He is Baker 14 and goes to a stolen car pursuit that lead to a crash on 28th and Angle in a residential area. The car is the wrong way in the bushes, the front tire is gone, the hood and front end is wrecked and there is smoke coming from the engine. Officer Ernesto Flores caught the black passenger in a red shirt soon after. The Mexican driver in the yellow shirt and blue jeans is missing. They find him in a fetal position next to the car in the bushes. W.E. gives him a sternum rub which makes him move. He is OK. They brief Sgt. William Hernandez on the scene afterwards. Des Moines, AI (8:55 PM Domestic Disturbance Call) 3rd Watch - Officer John Poplawski is Polish & Spanish and people wonder where he got his name. It works out because he is able to communicate with the community. Officer Kenneth Brown is his partner. They speak with a woman who claims her daughter's intoxicated boyfriend damaged a mailbox and then fled the scene. In Chattanooga, TN, Officer Willoughby apprehends a driver who ignored instructions to pull over. #1425. 2/23/02

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