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Fraternity Reunion

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Full House

Teaser: Jesse and Michelle play the "laughing game". Main Synopsis: It's the night of a reunion for Joey and Danny -- the reunion of Chi Sigma Sigma (CSS), the college fraternity they were in 10 years ago. Joey and Danny remember that the fraternity burned Danny's Chi Sigma Sigma jacket 10 years ago when Danny messed up and unintentionally allowed a sorority, Lambda Tau Delta (LTD), to steal the stuffed seal that was Chi Sigma Sigma's mascot. The Lambda Tau Delta girls tickled Danny to the ground and took the seal. Since the LTD girls are also having a reunion, Joey and Danny see an opportunity to get the seal back from the LTD girls. D.J. and Kimmy then accidentally break the TV while trying to take it upstairs, and Danny tells D.J. and Kimmy that they are not allowed to see each other for three weeks. Later, Danny and Joey head off to the reunion while D.J. stays home to watch Stephanie and Michelle. In their attempt to get the seal back, Danny and Joey disguise themselves as women

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