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08.11.00 - Friday

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General Hospital

Preview:Stefan struggles to live. Recap:Lucky confessed to Emily that he was bothered by the kiss between Nikolas and Liz, but he was sure he could deal with it. Carly and Emily shared a friendly moment and Carly sincerely offered to let Emily see Michael whenever she wanted. Carly promised she would get Mike the money later that evening, but she wanted to tell Sonny the truth. Mike begged Carly not to, even though it could ruin her potential relationship with Sonny to lie to him. Jax let Chloe know that the island they travelled to was an island he was going to buy for himself and Brenda. Sonny assured Alexis that Carly would be moving into his place. Emily begged to go to the Rave when it looked like Gia wouldn't show up. When Gia did arrive, the teens left for the Rave without her. Monica counseled Emily on love and admitted that Juan wasn't a bad choice for Emily. Sonny insisted to Carly that he wanted to participate in Michael's life and reiterated his plans to go the pre-school o

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