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05.02.00 - Tuesday

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General Hospital

At the gatehouse, Scott tells his delighted stepmother how he and Becca found evidence that his dad has been holed up at the cabin. Certain her beloved husband will soon be home, Marian hurries to make herself presentable. Meanwhile, Esther works hard to convince Stuart that they are indeed a happily married couple. Though Leo begs his mother to help him, Vanessa decides to clam up about her own part in Paolo's untimely demise and nervously insists that the coke fiend obviously overdosed himself into oblivion. Hoping to jog his memory, Stuart presses a jittery Esther for details about their life together. Liza reluctantly breaks some tragic news to Scott, who rushes out of the gatehouse in his grief and confusion. Later, Liza faces Marian, who refuses to believe the terrible story until her daughter hands her Stuart's wedding ring. After Esther shows him the painting he gave her, Stuart decides to try his hand at sketching but is unable to produce anything more than a childish scrawl.

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