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07.25.01 - Wednesday

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General Hospital

Preview:Luke comes face to face with his mortal enemy. Recap:Gia tearfully confronted Nikolas and Liz after catching them in an embrace. She jumped to the conclusion that Nikolas had broken up with her in order to be with Liz. Though they both tried to dissuade her, Gia wouldn't listen. She took off the bracelet Nikolas gave her and handed it to Liz saying that his true love should have it. She warned them that she would tell Lucky everything since she couldn't believe how they'd both betrayed his trust. Liz panicked and told Nikolas that Lucky would never forgive her for betraying him again after what happened with Jason months before. Nikolas reminded her that just as he had to give up the love of his life to save Lucky, she had to be willing to make the same sacrifice. Liz couldn't handle the thought and she ran out to stop Gia. Alexis and Stefan cornered Lucky at the Port Charles Grille to ask for his help in figuring out what was wrong with Nikolas. Lucky countered that Nikolas di

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