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08.13.01 - Monday

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General Hospital

Preview: Chloe and Jax come face to face again. Recap: Luke paid Bobbie a surprise visit, and he stunned her with his odd behavior. She assumed that he had been drinking until he mentioned that he needed to visit their dead Aunt Ruby. Realizing that something strange was going on, Bobbie tried to calm him down. Taggert burst into the brownstone looking for Luke, and Bobbie lied that she hadn't seen him. Unfortunately, Luke popped out of his hiding place and continued ranting and raving. Bobbie managed to convince Taggert not to arrest Luke and to let her take care of him. She was relieved when Tony showed up, and she asked him to examine Luke to see if there was something medically wrong with him. When Luke saw Tony, he collapsed in his ex-brother-in-law's arms and told him that Helena had gotten to him. Tony figured out that Helena must have given Luke some kind of toxin, and he told Bobbie to bring Luke to the hospital immediately. After seeing Tony out, Bobbie was dismayed to find t

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