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02.15.01 - Thursday

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General Hospital

Preview:Emily wishes Juan well and says goodbye to him. Recap:Felicia questioned Luke about his plans to recapture the Ice Princess. Luke was happy that she was back on board with him and the two started to make plans. After having a pleasant conversation with his father, Lucky was in a good mood and taking photographs on the docks. Liz found him there and he marvelled over how great their lives were. He told her how precious their relationship was to him and so was the honesty they had between them. Unwilling to let her deception go on any longer, Liz confessed to Lucky that she knew Jason was in town and deliberately hadn't told him. Gia and Nikolas were awkward after their night together. Nikolas didn't want to pretend like they had never made love and neither did Gia. She did have reservations about starting a relationship and told Nikolas that they would remain roommates and friends only. Ned asked Gia to come to L & B and offered her a job as a PR assistant. Both he and Nikolas w

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