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02.11.02 - Monday

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General Hospital

Recap:Taggert arrests Gia in a guilt-ridden dream, and Taggert's actual visit with Gia leaves him with second thoughts about her innocence. Nikolas upsets Lucky when Nikolas tries to uncover how much Elizabeth remembers about the accident. AJ convinces Courtney to hide in his apartment, and AJ assures Skye that he convinced Sonny that he did not know Courtney's whereabouts. Fearing the wrath of Sonny, Skye frowns upon the idea of keeping Courtney under AJ's roof, but Skye ultimately agrees to go along with AJ's plan. Sonny feuds with Mike over Courtney's decision to disappear, and Sonny ignores Alexis' advice and remains determined to search for Courtney. Janine berates Mike and Sonny for "losing" Courtney, and Janine decides to look for Courtney herself. Roy feels torn about confronting Melissa with his evidence against her, but Roy's fear that Melissa will perform a mercy killing propels him to seek Bobbie's advice. Melissa fails to inject an unsuspecting Edward with morphine, and Ro

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