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General Hospital

Sonny daydreams about pounding Franco’s face as he hits a punch bag at the gym. Shawn shows up and tells him Jordan has been stonewalling. Sonny tells him about Sam’s thoughts that Luke is working with the Jeromes. Sonny thinks that Franco needs to be eliminated so the truth about him killing AJ wont come out. Franco watches Bobbie and Carly through the evil eye. Scott shows up and asks Franco to join him and Bobbie for lunch. Franco thinks that Scott has chosen the wrong women to be with. Alexis tells Julian that Ned is her man now and not him. Nina leaves messages for Rosalie. Nina finds Franco and tells him that Silas knows about her walking. Silas hears Patrick in the background as he talks to Sam on the phone. Patrick thinks Silas wants to know if there’s still a chance for him and Sam. Bobbie thinks her daughter needs to face reality. Carly tells her that she has to stay with Franco and Sonny knows they can’t be together again. Duke and Anna arrive for a private lunch date but are interrupted by Lucy. Duke admits he invited her, and Lucy’s mood takes a turn for the worse as soon as she sees Bobbie. Scott and Carly clash about Sonny and Franco and Bobbie stops them before it gets out of hand. Duke drags Luke away after she argues with Bobbie. Jordan ignores Sabrina’s calls. Anna joins her and finds out that Morgan knows where Ava is. Lucy tells Anna and Duke that she has decided to leave town. Duke decides to drive Lucy home and leaves a frustrated Anna behind. Morgan hears Ava scream and rushes past Rosalie to get inside. Ava refuses to go to the hospital and just wants her pills.

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