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General Hospital

Sonny and Shawn discuss getting rid of Franco. Sonny wants him gone before he and Carly get married. Carly isn't happy when she learns that Michael is back in town and insists to Sonny she has to marry Franco to stop the truth from coming out. Michael and Kiki show up and Michael wonders what they were talking about. Michael talks about opening a memorial clinic in AJ's honor. Carly thinks that is a good idea. Franco watches the footage of Carly and Sonny together and talks about torture on his wedding day. Silas tells Sabrina he's getting a divorce. Silas confronts Franco and wants to know how long he has been covering for Nina. Franco attempts to defend Nina and mentions the list of names. Brad tells Elizabeth about Britt moving back in with Nikolas. Jason asks Elizabeth about Nikolas after Brad leaves. Nina leaves Silas a voicemail after he failed to come home last night. Rosalie show up and informs Nina that she is getting the rest of her things and leaving. Nina needs her help to stop Silas from ending their marriage. Nina attempts to blackmail Rosalie. Silas shows up as Rosalie leaves. Ava tells Jordan on the phone that she's still suffering with pains. Morgan vows to protect Ava. Britt has a nightmare about Nikolas finding out the truth about her and Spencer's plan. Britt receives a call from Morgan about Ava and she tells him to bring her to the hospital. Jordan enters Jason's hospital room as Elizabeth quizzes him about what he remember about the accident. Sabrina later tells Jordan that Ava has the wrong medication and that it could cause premature birth. Morgan attempts to convince Ava to go to the hospital as Kiki shows up. Ava receives a call from Jordan and she then tells Morgan and Kiki she's going into labor.

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