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General Hospital

Nathan knocks on Maxie’s door and Mac informs him that she’s at the Haunted Star for her wedding. Nathan admits to Mac that he has feelings for her and came here to tell her. Mac thinks that he should tell Maxie how he feels but Nathan doesn’t want to ruin her wedding. Dante doesn't tell Lulu what he knows about Luke. Felicia joins her daughter at the Haunted Star to get her ready for the wedding. Felicia tells Maxie that there’s still time to call off the wedding but she is determined to go ahead with it. Felicia gives her daughter the Aztec ring. Mac shows up and wants a moment alone with Maxie. Ava calls Franco at the hospital and tries to convince him to get her the recording. Franco clashes with Sonny at the hospital. Carly comforts Morgan and they believe that Alice must have a guardian angel looking over her. They then talk about the baby that Ava is carrying. After Carly leaves, Sonny shows up and tells Morgan that Ava set a trap that Sonny walked right into. Carly goes to see Ava at the penthouse and informs her that her son can’t move on until he finds out if he’s the father of her unborn child. Carly demands a paternity test but Ava refuses to have one carried out. A photographer from the Port Charles Press shows up at the police station and informs Nathan that he was attacked in his home and somebody stole the Aztec necklace.

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