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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

The duo are called to look into the death of Carly, a teenage girl involved in an apparent hit-and-run case at a local farmers’ market. However, this incident was more than a straightforward traffic accident. Carly was a vulnerable adolescent who had been forced to work for a shady organisation known as Mission Farms after her desperate, cash-strapped father sold her to the group. The reason that Dr Warner wants her death investigated is that she showed signs not only of having been starved but also of having recently given birth. Fin and Dr Huang track down Carly’s brother Micah, who was also sold to the group. He tells them some disturbing facts about Mission Farms, including a further shocking revelation about his sister. When US Attorney Christine Danielson hears the details of the case, she vows to help her former colleagues expose the traffickers. Using her high rank and influence, she pulls strings and discovers some vital information from a prisoner with connections to this shady underworld. The team decide to mount a dramatic rescue operation at the farm, which results in a tense face-off with the traffickers.

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