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Simply Shocking

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Melrose Place

Brooke flies to Miami to investigate Amanda's past. She learns from an old newspaper article that Amanda was presumed dead years ago. She also visits the house of Amanda's ex-husband, Jack, claiming that her car has broken down. Brooke blackmails Amanda into giving her a promotion. Jack, who had swiped one of Brooke's business cards, arrives in Los Angeles. Billy learns that Alison has regained her sight. Michael pretends to have reconciled with Sydney in the hopes of driving Kimberly over the edge. Peter reveals to Syd that his concern for Kimberly stems from memories of a deceased sister who suffered a similar plight. Jane and Richard get engaged. Richard fires Jane after she publicly dishonors MacKenzie's memory, but is later forced to make her a partner. Jo is wary when Jake hires Shelly and allows her to stay at his apartment. Dr. Hobbs makes a homophobic remark about Matt to Michael. Michael encourages Matt to sue for wrongful dismissal.

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