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Survivor is a reality game show that has been produced in many countries around the world. The original concept is credited to Charlie Parsons who co-owns Castaway Television Productions with Waheed Alli and Sir Bob Geldoff. Parsons created the concept for Survivor in 1992.

The concept revolves around a group of strangers who are divided into teams called "tribes". These tribes are then deserted in a remote location. The tribes are given a few tools, usually a machete, a pot and some means of holding water. Contestants then forage for food, water and material to construct a shelter. The tribes then compete in a series of challenges to determine who will emerge as the sole Survivor. Challenges fall into two categories, immunity and reward. Reward challenges allow contestants to compete for rewards of food, contact with family members and other "luxury" items. Immunity challenges allow the winner to hold the "immunity idol", keeping them safe from being voted out of the game by their fellow tribesman. The last contestant remaining from the original group is named the sole survivor.

The Survivor series has been seen in Great Britain, France, Japan and the United States. It is credited with making Reality television a popular genre.


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Survivor Seasons and Full Episodes

Find and watch each season of Survivor with full episode synopsis, actors, related videos, and more. Click on a season and episode below for more information.
Watch Survivor Season 47
Watch Survivor Season 46
Watch Survivor Season 45
Watch Survivor Season 44
Watch Survivor Season 43
Watch Survivor Season 42
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Watch Survivor Season 40
Watch Survivor Season 39
Watch Survivor Season 38
Watch Survivor Season 37
Watch Survivor Season 36
Watch Survivor Season 35
Watch Survivor Season 34
Watch Survivor Season 33
Watch Survivor Season 32
Watch Survivor Season 31
Watch Survivor Season 30
Watch Survivor Season 29
Watch Survivor Season 28
Watch Survivor Season 27
Watch Survivor Season 26
Watch Survivor Season 25
Watch Survivor Season 24
Watch Survivor Season 23
Watch Survivor Season 22
Watch Survivor Season 21
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Watch Survivor Season 19
Watch Survivor Season 18
Watch Survivor Season 17
Watch Survivor Season 16
Watch Survivor Season 15
Watch Survivor Season 14
Watch Survivor Season 13
Watch Survivor Season 12
Watch Survivor Season 11
Watch Survivor Season 10
Watch Survivor Season 9
Watch Survivor Season 8
Watch Survivor Season 7
Watch Survivor Season 6
Watch Survivor Season 5
Watch Survivor Season 4
Watch Survivor Season 3
Watch Survivor Season 2
Watch Survivor Season 1

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