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The A-Team
The A-Team was a popular NBC series that followed the ups and downs of four former Army soldiers who served together overseas. When the foursome was accused of crimes they did not commit, they took their fate into their own hands and used their training to escape. Living as fugitives, the four soldiers sought to use their skills for good, helping out others in need, all while hoping to someday prove their innocence.

The A-Team was anchored of Colonel John Smith, known as Hannibal, who served as the leader of the four fugitives. Under his command were Lieutenant Templeton "Face" Peck, Captain H.M. Murdock, and Sergeant B.A. Baracus, each of whom brought their own unique skills to the table. Between Face's scheming plans, Murdock's insane flying, and B.A.'s rough attitude, the four members of the A-Team were much loved by those they helped and reviled by the military personnel who continued to hunt them down.

The show ran from 1983 until 1986, with a total of five seasons. It became a hit for its over the top displays of violence and explosions that somehow never led to much serious injury. As a popular series, the A-Team earned much fan praise and attracted numerous famous guest stars, including Hulk Hogan and Boy George. The show tried to reinvent itself for its fifth season, incorporating several new characters and a new concept designed to ramp up the conflict, but the A-Team never recaptured the magic of its earlier seasons and was canceled.


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The A-Team Seasons and Full Episodes

Find and watch each season of The A-Team with full episode synopsis, actors, related videos, and more. Click on a season and episode below for more information.
Watch The A-Team Season 5
Watch The A-Team Season 4
Watch The A-Team Season 3
Watch The A-Team Season 2
Watch The A-Team Season 1

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