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Sig Hansen

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The Daily Show

Tonight, Norwegian fisherman Sig Hansen from the show Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel. Jon begins the show with a brief talk about the big rainstorm in the Northeast. Jon then talks about Paul Wolfowitz who used his influence at the World Bank to get a promotion and raise for his girlfriend in a segment called "Loan Wolf". On a lighter note, Jon talks about Richard Gere who over the weekend kissed a Bollywood star during an AIDS awareness rally in India in a segment called "American Gigolo". This kiss led to massive protests in India since public displays of affection are frowned upon there. Senior Mumbai Bureau Chief Aasif Mandvi talks with Jon about the protests, which included burning effigies of Gere on the street. Finally, Rob Riggle goes to Largo, FL and talks with Steve Stanton who was fired from his job as a city manager because he is transgendered in a segment called "Suddenly Susan".

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