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Jed Babbin

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The Daily Show

Tonight, former deputy undersecretary of defense during the first Bush administration and author of In The Words of Our Enemies, Jed Babbin. Jon begins tonight reporting on a "giant squid having sex with bigfoot" moment as both Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney were on television yesterday answering questions. Jon first reports on Rumsfeld who was called before the Senate to answer questions about the friendly fire death/coverup of Pat Tillman in a segment called "The Rummy Returns". As Jon notes, even though Rumsfeld has been out of the game for awhile, he jumps right back in not recalling anything. Next, Jon reports on Dick Cheney who was interviewed by CNN's Larry King in a segment called "I Now Pronounce You Dick & Larry". Jon highlights the better parts of the interview, such as Cheney's lack of regret & disregard of polls. Finally, Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore talks with Jon about the recent stock market losses because of problems in the housing market due to sub-prime loans. Larry suggests this is a method employed by African-Americans to get back at the man, even going so far as saying sub-prime is the financial n-word.

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