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Watch The Real Housewives of D.C Online

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The Real Housewives of D.C
The Real Housewives of DC is another show in the housewives series by The Bravo Network. The show follows some of Washington’s power players, political insiders, and High Society debutantes. These Socialite Divas know that DC is more than politics and are comfortable discussing everything from economy, race, political ties, high fashion, and even enemies.

The well-rounded cast consists of five diverse women in the form of Lynda Erkiletian, a southern woman who moved to DC. She is the founder and owner of T.H.E Artist Agency, one of the top modeling agencies in DC.

Mary Schmidt Amons, a second generation Washingtonian and the granddaughter of legendary radio and TV personality Arthur Godfrey. She is the mother of five and spent her childhood on the Kennedy’s Compound is a fashionista and philanthropist.

Stacie Scott Turner is a Harvard Graduate with a successful Real Estate Practice. When she is not running the household with her husband and two children, she heads her charity in Washington for girls in foster care.

Then there is Catherine Ommanney, the feisty Brit whose tell-it-like-it-is disposition, shakes up DC. She is the mother of two, an interior designer, and a writer.

Finally, there is Michaele Salahi a former model and co-founder of America’s Polo Cup. She and her husband help run the Salahi Family Vineyards, Oasis Winery, as well as fund-raising for Multiple Sclerosis.

Watch as these women of the Real Housewives of DC give new meaning to political scandal, taking reality TV to a new level.
Monday at 9:00 PM on Bravo
August 5, 2010
60 minutes


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The Real Housewives of D.C Seasons and Full Episodes

Find and watch each season of The Real Housewives of D.C with full episode synopsis, actors, related videos, and more. Click on a season and episode below for more information.
Watch The Real Housewives of D.C Season 1

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