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Love with Interest

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The Steve Harvey Show

A smooth-talking bank officer shows an interest in Regina. Also, Romeo, Sara, Bullethead and Sophia parrot-nap a rival school's mascot. - - - Sophia, Sara, Romeo and Bullethead steal the mascot - a talking parrot - from rival Coolidge High before the big basketball game. Before last years' big game, students from Coolidge stole their mascot. Cedric tells Steve he has decided to go undercover as a janitor at Coolidge so he can watch their basketball practices. Steve replies that scouting the opposition won't help. Discouraged, Cedric exits. Steve decides it is time to buy a new car. The loan officer from his bank, Trent Underwood, drops by school to have him sign the loan papers. After admitting he is an old Hi-Tops fan, Trent and Steve trade stories about their prowess with women. Trent tells Steve his surefire plan with the ladies: first, send them a single rose, then take them to a Shakespeare play and, finally, cook them dinner. When Regina drops in, Steve realizes he's learne

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