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I'm Not a Chauvinist, Piggy

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The Steve Harvey Show

Steve thinks his manhood is in question after Regina , a.k.a. "Xena, the Warrior Principal," beats the stuffing out of a too-fresh chicken mascot at a basketball game. Also, Romeo and Bullethead enroll in a dance class. - - - As Steve and Cedric get ready to depart for a Chicago Bulls basketball game, Lovita reminds Cedric it is her mother's birthday and they promised to take her to dinner. Steve quickly invites Regina, who is happy to watch Michael Jordan play. Meanwhile, when Romeo and Bullethead realize they miscalculated after signing up for dance class in order to meet girls, they ask Cedric to help get them out. At the game, a man dressed as a giant chicken mascot approaches Regina and fondles her. When the chicken won't stop pushing her for a date, Regina gives him a taste of what she learned in her self-defense class. Back at Steve's apartment Regina can't help but relive her brief celebrity. Steve suggests she tone it down, noting she didn't seem very feminine when she abuse
Brenden Jefferson, Caroline Jones (III), Charles Chun, Judyann Elder, Lance E. Nichols

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