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Big Mouth on Campus

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The Steve Harvey Show

Cedric lets being named "Teacher of the Year" go to his head, angering fellow teachers, students and even Lovita. - - - Steve and Cedric are both nominated for the Teacher of the Year Award. After eight consecutive nominations without a win, Cedric has learned not to expect too much. To cheer him up, Lovita prepares a special dinner, but it still doesn't keep him from being obsessed about it just the same. Meanwhile, in recognition of passing health class, Cedric agrees to take Bullethead and Romeo to a Chicago Bears football game. In an effort to get Cedric the recognition he deserves, Steve takes himself out of the running. And as Steve convinces Regina to play along, Bullethead and Romeo make a plan to help Cedric win. After learning he's been chosen Teacher of the Year, Cedric couldn't be happier. Yet, unaware of all the help he received, he can't keep his ego in check. As Regina offers to host a party in his honor, Cedric adopts a more sophisticated persona in order to maximize

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