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Almost Dirty Dancing

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The Steve Harvey Show

Regina helps Steve's friend with the one thing that keeps coming between him and his wife: dancing. Meanwhile, Steve and Cedric try to compete with Romeo and Bullethead in a string of events. - - - To help put his broken marriage back together, TV producer Byron Clark is planning a romantic trip to Jamaica with his wife, Naomi. Wanting to improve his dancing skills, he asks his friends, Steve and Cedric, for help. And after watching Byron's pathetic efforts on the dance floor, Steve turns him over to Regina for lessons. Meanwhile, when a famous photographer asks Lovita to pose in the nude, Cedric forbids. And after losing a basketball game to Romeo and Bullethead, Steve and Cedric - trying to even the score - challenge the boys to a game of Monopoly. They lose again. When Lovita balks at being told what to do, Steve suggests Cedric use reverse psychology to get her to comply. But she also refuses to take the bait when Cedric suddenly encourages her to do the photo session. The dance

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