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Steve Don't Get Nun

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The Steve Harvey Show

Steve wants to rekindle an old flame, but his former girlfriend has some news that might change his mind. - - - On the eve of an alumni benefit, Steve is excited by the return of his high school girlfriend, Kimberly Davis. While Steve is determined not to let Kimberly get away this time, Regina reminds him how the two mercilessly teased her in high school. In an effort to come between them, Regina interrupts their reunion. Meanwhile, as it gets increasingly difficult for Cedric and Lovita to find time for lovemaking, Bullethead buys an antique radio at a rummage sale filled with a large amount of cash. After agreeing to split the cash between them, Bullethead and Romeo discover the old woman that accidentally donated the radio wants it back. And Cedric and Lovita as so busy they must make an appointment to see each other. At the alumni benefit, Steve's plans for romance are stymied when Kimberly reveals that she's a nun. But before Steve can warn Regina, she makes a point of telling

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