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Everybody Loves Regina

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The Steve Harvey Show

Junior and Vincent, the two kids that Steve and Cedric mentored as "big brothers", return, and Junior asks Regina if she would go out on a date with his older brother. Steve dates a young coffee shop waitress. - - - As Steve prepares to date Sheila, a young employee at his local coffeehouse, he and Cedric are surprised by the return of their "Little Brothers," Vincent and Junior. While refusing Junior's request for a date, Regina does agree to go out with his older brother, Zack. And to make the blind date more comfortable, Steve offers to host a dinner party. Romeo and Bullethead are assigned a report on jazz musician Theolonius Monk. Meanwhile, Romeo and Bullethead agree to give Vincent and Junior lessons how to pick up girls in exchange for help on their music assignment. As the dinner party is getting underway, everyone is surprised by Sheila's age. But Regina has little room to complain after everyone meets the youthful Zack. To prove she's young a heart, Regina throws herself i

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