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After the Fall

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The Steve Harvey Show

Clips from past episodes are featured as a television producer interviews Steve's friends for a documentary about the former singer. - - - Steve's friend Byron, a television producer, decides to make Steve the subject of a documentary identifying a celebrity whose fifteen minutes of fame has expired. Cedric, Lovita and Regina seize the opportunity to be interviewed for the program and warm to the chance to see themselves on television. But when questioned, Regina won't divulge any information about her personal relationship with Steve and neither Cedic nor Lovita have a bad word to say about him. As the interviews progress, Byron realizes the scandalous stories about Steve might have to come from the students. Unfortunately, Romeo, Bullethead and Lydia don't have anything but positive anecdotes about Steve. Byron then questions Steve, hoping he might reveal a few skeletons in the closet, but Steve, instead, tells him that he's had a happy life educating and serving as a role model fo

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