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Here Comes the Judge

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The Steve Harvey Show

Romeo, Lydia and Bullethead sue Steve for damaging their pager and the case is heard on the Judge Mathis Show. Meanwhile, Cedric sends erotic e-mails to Lovita posing as a secret admirer, not realizing that she knows that the missives are from him. - - - When Judge Greg Mathis comes to the school's Career Day, Steve makes the mistake of having the television courtroom judge's new Mercedes Benz towed from his personal parking space. Then, as Judge Mathis is making a presentation to his class, Steve confiscates an electronic messaging device. However, insisting it is a computer and doesn't violate school policy, Romeo, Bullethead and Lovita protest. When Steve finally returns a broken messaging device, Bullethead, Romeo and Lydia decide to take their case to Judge Mathis' TV courtroom. Upon learning of the lawsuit, Regina insists on joining Steve to help defend the school's reputation. Meanwhile, when Lovita fails to acknowledge his erotic e-mail, Cedric is certain that she's having an

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