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The Steve Harvey Show

Steve has a hard time relinquishing his duties as acting principal when Regina returns to school, creating tension between them. Meanwhile, Cedric's in the doghouse after Lovita discovers he has a private savings account. - - - Upon returning to work following the death of her husband, Regina wastes no time taking control of the school from Steve. From assuming responsibility for the athletic department budget, to reviewing the results of the career placement tests, Regina reasserts her authority at school. But when she decides to cut the budget for his new state of the art study hall, Steve decides he's had enough and resigns. After a palm reading by Lydia suggests looming trouble with money and romance, Lovita learns Cedric has been secretly keeping a separate bank account. Once Lovita moves back into Steve's apartment, Cedric uncovers evidence she has been hiding money from him, too. And upon confronting his wife about her own secret account, it's Cedric who ends up moving-in at S

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