Treme is an HBO series based in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina now in its second season. It is based around a cast of characters trying to restart their life, their culture after the Hurricane. Treme is a neighborhood in New Orleans.
Treme's cast of characters is eclectic. There is your every day man, chefs, Mardi Gras Indians and of course musicians. This is not a simple story. It revolves around the many cultures and layers of New Orleans. The struggle with public housing, the criminal justice system and the reality of returning New Orleans to It's former glory.
The casting of Treme is unique in that they try to stay local whenever possible.
Wendell Pierce, one such native, plays a musician.
Clarke Peters plays an important character. He is the leader of the Mardi Gras Indian Tribe trying to reunite his people.
This show is unique in every way. It brings together people from all walks of life. Each facing their own dilemmas and trying to help each other at the same time. There are times when they come together and time when they are at each other's throats. Treme is an exciting drama that keeps you wanting more.