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Miss USA 2010

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Miss USA 2010
More Miss USA coverage and information
Tune-in on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 7 p.m. ET to watch Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton crown Miss USA 2010 at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Miss USA 2010 pageant will be broadcast live online.
Please note: livestream might not be available in all countries.

Contestants include:
Alabama USA: Audrey Moore, Alaska USA: Sarah Temple, Arizona USA: Brittany Bell, Arkansas USA: Adrielle Churchill, California USA: Nicole Michele Johnson, Colorado USA: Jessica Hartman, Connecticut USA: Ashley Bickford, Delaware USA: Julie Citro, District Of Columbia USA: MacKenzie Green, Florida USA: Megan Clementi, Georgia USA: Cassady Lance, Hawaii USA: Renee Mokihana Nobriga, Idaho USA: Jessca Cathleen Hellwinkel, Illinois USA: Ashley Bradarich, Indiana USA: Allison Biehle, Iowa USA: Katherine Anna Connors, Kansas USA: Bethany Gerber, Kentucky USA: Kindra Danielle Clark, Louisiana USA: Sara Brooks, Maine USA: Katie Whittier, Maryland USA: Simone Feldman, Massachusetts USA: Lacey Wilson, Michigan USA: Rima Fakih, Minnesota USA: Courtney Basara, Mississippi USA: Breanne Ponder, Missouri USA: Ashley Strohmier, Montana USA: Elizabeth Anseth, Nebraska USA: Belinda Wright, Nevada USA: Julianna Erdesz, New Hampshire USA: Nicole Houde, New Jersey USA: Chenoa Greene, New Mexico USA: Rosanne Dene Aguilar, New York USA: Davina Reeves, North Carolina USA: Nadia Shirin Moffett, North Dakota USA: Taylor Kearns, Ohio USA: Amanda Tempel, Oklahoma USA: Morgan Elizabeth Woolard, Oregon USA: Kate Paul, Pennsylvania USA: Gina Cerilli, Rhode Island USA: Kristina Primavera, South Carolina USA: Rachel Law, South Dakota USA: Emily Anne Miller, Tennessee USA: Tucker Perry, Texas USA: Kelsey Moore, Utah USA: Katya Dmitrievna Feinstein, Vermont USA: Nydelis Ortiz, Virginia USA: Samantha Casey, Washington USA: Tracy Turnure, West Virginia USA: Erica Jade Goldsmith, Wisconsin USA: Courtney Lopez, Wyoming USA: Claire Schreiner.


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