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2012 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup

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2012 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup
More FIS Alpine Ski World Cup coverage and information
The 2012 FIS Alpine Ski World Cup starts on October 22, 2011 Sölden, Austria and ends on March 18, 2012 in Schladming, Austria.

Events include Downhill, Super G, Giant Slalom, Slalom, Parallel, and Super Combined, and will be held in Levi, Finland; Lake Louise, Canada; Beaver Creek, USA; Val d'Isère, France; Val Gardena, Italy; Alta Badia, Italy; Bormio, Italy; Munich, Germany; Zagreb, Croatia; Adelboden, Switzerland; Wengen, Switzerland; Kitzbühel, Austria; Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany; Chamonix, France; Krasnaya Poljana, Russia; Bansko, Bulgaria; Moscow, Russia; Crans Montana, Switzerland; Kvitfjell, Norway; Kranjska Gora, Slowenia.

Some of the top female skiiers participating in the event: Lindsey Vonn, Viktoria Rebensburg, Elisabeth Görgl, Tessa Worley,
Maria Pietilä Holmner.Some of the top male skiiers participating in the event: Ted Ligety, Alexis Pinturault, Philipp Schörghofer, Carlo Janka, Ivica Kostelić.



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