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FIS Alpine Ski World Cup

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FIS Alpine Ski World Cup
The FIS Alpine Ski World Cup is a series of alpine skiing competitions for men and women, primarily held in the European Alps, as well as in Scandinavia, North America and east Asia. Disciplines include slalom, giant slalom, Super G, and downhill. The top 30 finishers of every race receive points. The person with the most points at the end of the season wins the cup.

Previous male winners include: Aksel Lund Svindal, Alberto Tomba, Benjamin Raich, Bode Miller, Hermann Maier, Kjetil André Aamodt, Lasse Kjus, Luc Alphand, Marc Girardelli, Paul Accola, Pirmin Zurbriggen, Stephan Eberharter, and others.

Previous female winners include: Alexandra Meissnitzer, Anita Wachter, Anja Pärson, Janica Kostelić, Katja Seizinger, Lindsey Vonn, Maria Walliser, Michaela Dorfmeister, Michela Figini, Nicole Hosp, Pernilla Wiberg, Petra Kronberger, Renate Götschl, Vreni Schneider, and others.


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Start and end times shown in Eastern Standard Time. Note that times are approximate and not always available. Check with the content provider's website for exact times. Register to customize this to your timezone.

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