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NFL Live with DIRECTV Sunday Ticket Max

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NFL Live with DIRECTV Sunday Ticket Max

NFL SUNDAY TICKET™ customers can add DIRECTV's Sunday Ticket Max service to access live NFL games online, but it does come at a price. NFL Sunday Ticket subscribers will need to pay $9.99/month for five months for the To-Go service upgrade. That is cheaper than what the Sunday Ticket SuperFan cost in 2009, which was an additional $99. When you add Sunday Ticket To-Go service to your account, you will get DirecTV's To-Go Player, which allows you to watch nearly every NFL game on your PC or Mac. The Max service also enables you to watch Sunday Ticket games on your iPad, iPhone, iTouch, Blackberry, Droid or other mobile device. To see a full list of compatible mobile phones, click here.

DirecTV NFL Sunday Ticket customers who subscribe to the Max option will have the entire weekly lineup of live NFL Sunday Ticket games streamed online to their PC or laptop computer every Sunday during the 2013 NFL regular season through DirecTV's new NFL Sunday Ticket Max service.

Other features include the Red Zone Channel, real-time player and team stats and scores, and highlights from every game as they happen.

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  • 0 props
    whats new to this site i just needed to know if this nfl supercast or the gamecast works on here on sundays for free
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