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MyPath TV

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MyPath TV

Pondering the purpose of life? Curious about yoga? Yearning to understand world religions or dig more deeply into health issues? The more than one billion Internet users worldwide can now learn the answers to these questions and more thanks to the just launched MyPathTV. Northern California-based MyPathTV is a leading Internet TV channel devoted exclusively to mind, body and spirit video programming. The channel features renowned wellness and spirituality thought leaders such as Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Shakti Gawain, Joseph Campbell, Ram Dass, Sheri Huber, Dr. Larry Dossey and many more.

Joseph Lehnen, a former Wall Street executive, developed the idea for MyPathTV in 2005 after a struggle to find online resources to help support him through a difficult personal transition. His aim was to help ease the way for others by putting everything related to mind, body and spirit in one location.

Programming categories include: Spiritual Practice, Inspiration & Discovery, Healing & Wellness, Cycles of Life, Religion & Philosophy and Science & Spirit. Each category features thoughtfully selected titles that enable deep exploration within the selected subject. Titles in the MyPathTV library range from The Art of Healing, and Unlocking your Intuition to Hatha Yoga, Metaphysics and Modern Science, Cycles of Stress and End of Life Comfort & Care.

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