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Ep. #11825

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As The World Turns

Aaron arrives at Lucindas for dinner with Sierra and Lucy. Sierra observes the young couple. She asks Aaron to explain his side of what has happened in his past and with Craig. Sierra listens and agrees to help them see each other as long as they follow Craigs rules. Meanwhile, Craig rails into Carly for calling Sierra and turns to Rosanna, who has told Barbara that she is pulling out of BRO and has offered to buy the company from her. Craig tells Rosanna what Carly did and she comes up with a plan. Rosanna suggests that Lucy return to Montega for the rest of the summer to be with her mom. In the meantime, hopefully her crush on Aaron will subside, and if it doesnt, they will have some time to come up with a plan to squash it. Hal confronts Barbara about her isolating Will from his friends and family. In the hospital, Tom asks Margo to please allow Katie to donate part of her liver to her. Carly arrives with the news that Lucinda, Paul, Rose, Joe, Henry and Simon are all safe. She gives Katie the good news, but Katie is reluctant about talking to Simon because she doesnt want to tell him what she is about to do for Margo. Margo declares that she wont go through with the procedure unless Katie calls Simon.

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