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Ep. #11742

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As The World Turns

Craig brings Susan to the hospital in hopes that it will help him get more information on Carly. Susan learns that Emily escaped from the spa. Alison and Lucy meet and realize that they both go to Oakdale Latin. John suggests that Jack use a decoy to get Carly through the mob at the hospital. Once safe, Jack refuses to let anyone see Carly, especially Craig. Aaron is called down to the police station and Holden accompanies him. The police ask for his help in finding Mary. Caleb arrives and assumes that Aaron is in trouble. He is pleased to learn the opposite, but defends his assumptions by explaining that Aaron had been arrested for breaking and entering. Caleb refuses Holdens request for Aaron to stay in Oakdale. Mary phones, furious that Jake is working with the police. Jake is livid that she knows and even more so when Tom was unable to trace the call to find her. Mary calls back with a meeting place to trade the cash for Molly. Jake tells Margo that the exchange will take place at the Snyder Pond, but Abigail confronts him because she knows he is lying. Simon convinces Katie to go along with his plan to fake her murder. They are interrupted by a call from Jill Scully, Dahlias lawyer. She warns Katie that her life is in danger and they must meet. Simon decides to meet with Jill in hopes of her leading him to Dahlia. Later, Katie writes her own obituary. In Scotland, Bonnie is both thrilled and furious by Isaacs arrival. Isaac sees her engagement ring, but remains unaffected because he knows that she loves him. Paddington advises Isaac not to stray too far away.

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