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New Phone, Who Dis?

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Family Guy

New Phone, Who Dis? is a secret, underground episode of Family Guy. It was originally aired as a fictional in-universe episode from the episode "You Can't Handle the Booth!", where it was presented in the form of an audio commentary. However, the raw episode without the commentary was released as a special feature in the Family Guy Season 17 DVD box set. Lois gets cold feet, when the newly released I-Phone causes her family to lose touch with the world around them. Meanwhile, Quagmire becomes a woodworker to impress chicks and later give them another kind of wood work. Peter decides to get new Crabapple phones for the entire family to Lois' displeasure. Distracted by their phones, they completely miss Jesus Christ going berserk during Sunday services. Determined to show them a life before such distractions, she insists on taking them to a colonial recreation town but Peter refuses to go by pretending to be sick and is left behind, where he manages to get his head stuck in the stair railings when he drops a meatball on his way upstairs. When the family returns, they give him hell for his deception, but quickly manage to get their heads stuck in the railings as well. When they think they're about to be rescued by the timely arrival of a delivery man, he turns out to be a robber casing the house, and invites several other robbers along for a party. After they leave, they tried to use the voice recognition on one of the robbers' left behind phone to call for help. After a few misfires, they manage to call for a woodworker which connects them to Quagmire and the guys who have been building a chair as a hobby. Before turning them loose, the guys cut the stairs out and mount them out in the streets of the colonial recreation town for everyone to see.
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