Survivor is a reality game show that has been produced in many countries around the world. The...
20/20 is an hour-long American television news magazine program hosted by
The Bachelorette
The first episode of The Bachelorette aired on ABC on January 8, 2003. It is hosted by
The Good Guys (2010)
The main characters of The Good Guys, Jack and Dan, go from one police investigation to the next in...
Human Target (2010)
Human Target is a New Breed of drama that combines a group of...
The Killing (2011)
The Killing debuted on AMC in 2011. The show follows two Seattle homicide detectives, veteran Sarah...
Rome was an HBO original series that followed the lives of Roman citizens during the 1st Century...
Heroes is a science fiction television drama series that premiered on NBC in September of 2006. It...
Deadliest Catch
One of the biggest hits for the Discovery Channel, and a big hit for cable TV in general, is the...
Yes, Dear
Yes, Dear was a television show that ran on CBS for six seasons from 2000-2006. The show, which was...
Flight of the Conchords
Part sitcom and part musical, HBO’s comedy Flight of the Conchords is a hilarious look at the lives...
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is part of the housewives series by The Bravo Network and...
Bob's Burgers
Bob's Burgers is the latest animated show from FOX Television. The show, which centers on the day to...
Law & Order
Created by Dick Wolf in 1990, Law & Order has continued to engage audiences until the last episode...
Hung is a popular new half-hour show on HBO. The comedy debuted in 2009 and was renewed for a third...
Without A Trace
Set in New York City, Without A Trace offers suspense and an opportunity to become part of a missing...
Life ran for two seasons on NBC from 2007-2009. It starred Damian...
Dexter Morgan is an achingly smart, strapping fellow who comes from a line of revered cops. He is...
Fringe is a FOX television show about the fringe division of the FBI, which is located in the Boston...
The creative brainchild of Damian Kinder, Sanctuary is a Canadian hard science fiction/fantasy...