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We're not exactly sure where the name ‘33mag’ came from. In eight years of tumultous nights, painful skateboard sessions and after-noons spent between the snowparks and the bars of ski stations around Québec, we kinda lost track. Fortunately, we could count on a solid community of friends, acquaintance and business partners to immortalize these moments on this site, which serves as a meeting point, a voice and a display for those who identify and participate to our lifestyle.

In the beginning, 33 was three guys hungry for underground culture and action sports, producing content from their parents’ basement. Today, it changed a lot : We work from the 4th floor and we became…

- An encyclopedy on Montreal’s cultural scene and Quebec’s underground music, with over 1500 articles and spotlights on more than 50 up-and-coming artists;
- A leader in Quebec’s webtv, with 30 exclusive channels and hours and hours of original material;
- A calendar of events, essential to any active outgoers, covering exhaustively nightlife action, hot tickets and action sports events everywhere in the province.
- An happy mess of more than 15 000 pictures (700 galleries !) of everything worth of interest, from Halifax to Victoria.

But mostly, 33mag is people who believe in our generation and who are convinced that we are the best-placed to report on our world, in our own ways. We don’t make tv on the internet, we do webtv. We are not a blog, we are a webzine. We are not an other social network website, we are a community of active consumactors that have something (too much!!!) to say. We are not the ‘cool’ platform of a big corporation who tries to sell you junk, we are Quebecers, independant, and it’s not going to change. At least not until they offer us a desert island, an open bar for life in the whole world and a baby chimp named Serge.

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