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Episode 10012 - Monday, October 15, 2012

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The Young and the Restless

The courtroom is stunned as Judge Daley dismisses Phyllis' case. The judge blames Christine for lying about her job at the time of the hit-and-run. Judge Daley says that Tim's autopsy shows that he died of a heart attack. Nick and Phyllis get a call that Summer was in a car accident. At the hospital, Nick accuses Adam of causing the accident, but Adam explains that Summer was driving recklessly. Later, Nick informs Phyllis that he is filing for divorce. Summer reassures Fen the accident wasn't his fault. He surprises her with a kiss. Chelsea informs Adam that they lost the baby and that it was a boy. Adam assures Chelsea that they can try for another baby. At their house, Chelsea is awakened by a nightmare of the car accident. Chloe and Kevin discuss what happened in court and if it will affect their marriage. Daniel enters and assures Kevin that things between them are still good despite Kevin having to testify against his mom. Daniel and Heather discuss how they should make their relationship official. Nick informs Avery that he told Phyllis he's filed for divorce. Nick and Avery raise their glasses in a toast, but are interrupted by Adam who reveals that Summer caused Chelsea to lose the baby.

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